The object could not be found. The maximum number of objects already exist. It is possible that the command did not complete. Please check in a few minutes and try again if necessary. The Print Server is no longer running. The maximum number of printers is already attached. To add this printer, first remove a printer from any queue. The job has already printed. The AppleShare IP Registry is not installed or is not running. No printer has been selected. Please use the Chooser to select a printer. Please close some windows or increase the application size and try again. Open Transport cannot be initialized. This version requires System 7.5.5 or later with Open Transport 1.1.2 or later. A serious error occurred on initializaiton. Please reinstall the Print Server and try again. The Print Server has already created the maximum number of queues. Please consult the documentation and try again. Please wait a few minutes for the log to be brought up to date. The command could not be completed because the Print Server is busy. This queue will not be able to print any jobs. Do you want to attach any printers? Are you sure you want to shut down the Print Server? Are you sure you want to permanently delete the selected queue(s)? Are you sure you want to permanently delete the selected job(s)? The job was not modified. Please try again. The log has not yet been created. Launch the print server to create a log. Are you sure you want to clear the server log and all queue logs? AppleShare Print Admin is quitting. You have entered an unknown user or log on is disabled. Your password is incorrect. Please reenter it. Please make sure it is installed. You have already attached this printer. Please try again. Some information may be inaccurate. Please wait a few minutes for it to be brought up to date. Please file a bug report.